Monday, October 03, 2005

Serenity Now...and Again!


That's my rant for this week. Not really a rant since Serenity was great and I have nothing to complain about. It's funny, sad, exciting, scary, everything you could want in a movie, plus Captain Tightpants. "Mal" does wear some very tight pants and they look fabulous up on the big screen. In one scene though, he wears loose pants. Shirtless and in loose pants that slip down from his waistband, accentuating but not quite revealing Nathan Fillion's awesome booty. I saw the movie twice to make sure I fully absorbed how important Nathan Fillion's bottom was to the plot.

Oh, and I saw it twice for the story, too. Joss Whedon did not fail to deliver something both fans of his TV show Firefly and newbies would enjoy. I was riveted both times I saw Serenity and plan to see it a couple more times too. I don't do that much--only film I've seen twice so far this year was Batman Begins and that was because it was good, had lots of depth and great characters (with the exception of Katie Holmes as a cliche crusading ADA)--just like Serenity!

My sons' friends who saw the movie with hubby and me all loved it, too. We had a dozen boys with us in total over the two viewings and not one of them left their seat, not one of them checked their cell phones to see what time it was, not one of them yapped or kicked my seat. But most of them missed the credits--during the closing, there was a mad dash for the bathroom. That's a good movie!

Janet - No power in the 'verse can stop me!


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