Wednesday, October 05, 2005

So, you wanna be on the Supreme Court?

...That was what I imagined W saying to Harriet after knocking back a bourbon & Coke one evening last week. Well, bourbon & Coke for Harriet, Coke only for our on-the-wagon Prez; which gets me wondering—after everything that’s happened while he’s been in office, don’t you think he’s been tempted? Just a little sip, you know, to calm the nerves? I know I would’ve.

But I digress… Of all the legal-eagles in all the courthouses in all the world, W had to go with the dame across the hall for the highest court in the land. As Captain Mal on Serenity says, “What in the sphincter of hell is goin' on here?” Were all the other judicial candidates too busy consulting on Law & Order and its myriad spin-offs to take the job? Or is W just plumb lazy?

The thing that concerns me about Harriet Miers is not her politics, or lack thereof, nor her complete unknownability (okay, I just made that up, but it’s kind of a fun word, ain’t it?). The thing that’s got me going uh-oh about her is the fact that she's a workaholic. I heard a report that said she typically arrives at work at 5 in the morning and often leaves as late as 10 at night. (I think Monica Lewinsky was similarly dedicated to her “job” but she had the opposite schedule, arriving well after dark and skulking out in the wee hours. But I digress again…)

I think a workaholic is a bad choice for a judge and that’s because they WORK ALL THE TIME. They don’t live, they don’t play, they don’t interact with other humans on a non-get-me-that-report-by-five kind of way. How can they judge if they don’t know anything about the real world? I can’t see Harriet leaving the office early to play on the Supremes softball team (Scalia to Ginsberg to Thomas—triple play!). I can see her putting in supremely long hours on the bench, ruling that businesses can institute an 80-hour work week with no extra pay and no pee breaks because, “Hey, I did it. Lunch and pee breaks are for wimps!”

Of course, I could be wrong (I have been occasionally and am not shy about admitting it). She could turn out to be the fairest judge in the land. She might even knock off early sometimes to knock back a few bourbons & Coke with the big guy. Coke only for W, of course.

Janet – No power in the ‘verse can stop me (except maybe a Supreme workaholic!)


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