Friday, October 28, 2005

The Final Frontier...

Okay, I’m sure you’ve all heard the shocking news that is sure to be talked about for weeks and months, maybe even years to come… George Takei of Star Trek fame came out of the closet today. Yup, “Warp factor ten, Mr. Sulu” is gay.

Oh, you thought I was talking about Dick Cheney’s main man, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby being indicted today? (And to digress, what the hell is up with that name? What does the ‘I’ stand for? Igor? Ichabod? And what about ‘Scooter’? I have a cat named Scooter and come to think of it, he’s a sneaky, secretive thing I wouldn’t trust for a second and is probably guilty of all kinds of things besides decapitating and munching on the neighborhood’s chipmunks.).

Well, okay, I was talking about the Libby indictment. I now look forward to the endless spin on this subject and the attacks on those at the center of this case. Not the man indicted, of course, I mean the people who handed down the indictments. Look to see the morals, ethics, and sanity of the prosecutor and the grand jury members questioned and pilloried ad nauseum. That’s how it works in DC, no matter who’s in power.

Me, I’m inclined to cut the jury some slack. I served on a grand jury a while back and every time I hear that old saw, “You can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich,” I see red. There were 22 people on that jury and we all took our jobs seriously. We looked at the evidence, heard the witnesses’ stories, discussed the crime in detail and made our decisions carefully. Even the chain-smoking housewife from Revere with the voice like rough pavement who declared every black defendant guilty and every black witness a liar took indictments seriously--frequently surprising me by voting based on the crime and not her somewhat muddled opinions.

The Libby story will of course bury Mr. Sulu’s shocking confession (well, shocking to some folks anyway; Star Trek nation is known for its tolerance and probably won’t give two Tribbles about the news). The story has also conveniently buried the Harriet Miers Supreme Court nomination withdrawal. Talk about good timing…

Janet – No power in the ’verse can stop me!


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